West Bay Nippers Logo orange red blue black white West Bay Nippers Surf Lifesaving Club logo. Orange setting sun with red sky and blue wavy ocean West Bay Nippers

An outline for a surf lifesaving education program designed for children aged 13 – 17:

Program Title: Youth Surf Lifesaving Education Program

Objective: To equip young participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to become proficient and responsible surf lifesavers, ensuring their safety and the safety of others at the beach.

Duration: This program can be structured as a multi-week or seasonal program, with regular sessions and activities.

Program Outline:

1. Orientation and Introduction

  • Welcome and program overview
  • Introduction to surf lifesaving and its importance
  • Safety briefings and guidelines

2. Water Safety and Awareness

  • Understanding surf conditions and hazards
  • Identifying rip currents, tides, and waves
  • Safe entry and exit strategies

3. Swim Proficiency

  • Enhancing swimming skills with a focus on endurance and efficiency
  • Advanced stroke techniques
  • Swim tests and challenges

4. Surf Skills

  • Board paddling and handling
  • Navigating waves safely
  • Surfing techniques 

5. Rescue Techniques

  • Introduction to rescue equipment (rescue boards, tubes, etc.)
  • Performing rescues in various scenarios
  • Communication during rescues

6. First Aid and Basic Life Support

  • First aid principles and practices
  • CPR training appropriate for their age group
  • Treating common beach-related injuries

7. Beach and Environmental Education

  • Understanding coastal ecosystems and conservation
  • Beach cleanup and environmental initiatives
  • Identifying and protecting marine life

8. Leadership and Teamwork

  • Developing leadership skills
  • Team-building activities and challenges
  • Mentorship opportunities for older participants

9. Competition and Sport

  • Introduction to surf lifesaving sports (e.g., beach flags, beach sprints)
  • Training for surf sports events (for those interested)
  • Promoting sportsmanship and fair play

10. Emergency Response and Scenario Training – Simulated emergency scenarios – Role-playing and response drills – Developing confidence in handling real-life situations

11. Certification and Graduation – Assessment of participants’ skills and knowledge – Awarding of surf lifesaving certifications or badges – Graduation ceremony and celebration

12. Ongoing Involvement – Encouraging continued participation in surf lifesaving – Volunteering opportunities – Transitioning to higher-level surf lifesaving programs

13. Parent and Community Involvement – Involving parents in program activities and events – Building a supportive surf lifesaving community – Awareness of parental roles in water safety

14. Program Evaluation and Feedback – Regular assessments of participants’ progress – Gathering feedback from participants, parents, and instructors – Making program improvements based on feedback

15. Safety and Ethics – Emphasizing the ethical responsibilities of surf lifesavers – Encouraging responsible behavior on and off the beach – Reinforcing the importance of safety first

16. Promotion of Lifesaving Values – Instilling the core values of surf lifesaving: vigilance, service, integrity, respect, and excellence (V.I.R.E.) in participants

This outline can serve as a foundation for developing a comprehensive surf lifesaving education program for teenagers. We can adjust the specifics based on your organization or community’s resources, expertise, and needs.

1. Orientation and Introduction: 

Let’s start at the very beginning! The Youth Surf Lifesaving Education Program kicks off with a friendly welcome. Kids aged 13 to 17 learn how important surf lifesavers are for keeping the beach safe. They also know what the program aims to do – like teaching them to be safe, work well in teams, and help their community. They’ll learn many safety rules, too. Kids can ask questions and talk about what they hope to learn. We will ensure a fun and safe adventure and make everyone feel like they’re part of the team.

2. Water Safety and Awareness: 

In this program phase, we will learn some essential things about being smart in the water. We’ll talk about waves, tides, and what can be dangerous at the beach. You’ll learn how to spot tricky things like rip currents and where it’s safe to swim. We won’t just be reading about it; we’ll go to the beach to see how it works. The goal is to ensure you know how to stay safe in the water and help others. It’s like building a solid foundation for becoming good at keeping the beach safe for everyone.

3. Swim Proficiency: 

Let’s talk about getting good at swimming! This part of the program is about becoming super strong and confident swimmers. We won’t just stick to the basics; we’ll learn advanced techniques and build our stamina. You’ll work on your freestyle swimming, paying extra attention to how you move through the water efficiently and quickly. We will challenge you to swim longer distances, both in the pool and in the open water, so you can swim for a long time without getting tired. We’ll also have fun swim tests and challenges to see how much you’ve improved. The main goal is to ensure you’re a competent swimmer, ready to help in rescue situations and feel comfortable in the water. And guess what? It’s also going to keep you super fit!

4. Surf Skills: 

Now, let’s dive into the fun world of surf skills! This part of the program is about learning how to handle surf craft like professionals. We’ll teach you the art of paddling and controlling a board so you can ride the waves like a champ. We’ll focus on keeping your balance, staying in control, and safely riding waves. The big goal is to ensure you’re good at using rescue boards, which are super important tools for surf lifesavers. This part of the program will help you build a strong connection with the ocean and understand how to work with its waves. You’ll learn how to use those waves for rescue missions and, if you want, for fun surfing. But remember, safety is the most important thing in the water!

5. Rescue Techniques: 

Now, let’s talk about an essential part of the program – learning how to save lives in the water. We’re going to teach you some vital rescue techniques that are at the heart of surf lifesaving. You’ll discover how to use rescue equipment like boards and rescue tubes and when it’s best to use them. Don’t worry; you won’t be on your own; we’ll be watching closely and guiding you as you practice rescues. You’ll get to try out different rescue scenarios in the pool and open water. We’ll also show you how important communication is during rescues so that everyone works together as a team. By the end of this phase, you’ll have the confidence and skills to jump into action when someone’s in trouble in the water. This is what surf lifesaving is all about – saving lives and keeping everyone safe in the water.

6. First Aid and Basic Life Support: 

Let’s discuss something really important: first aid and basic life support. In this part of the program, we will teach you how to help when someone gets hurt or needs medical attention. You’ll learn how to give immediate care in emergencies, like what to do if someone gets cuts, scrapes, or stung by something in the water. We’ll also show you how to do C.P.R. (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), which is a way to help someone whose heart has stopped beating. This knowledge is like having a superpower – it means you’re ready to help out if someone needs it, whether it’s a friend, a beachgoer, or even yourself. This part of the program reminds us how important it is to act quickly in emergencies. It’s all about being vigilant, ready to serve, and ensuring the beach is safe for everyone.

7. Beach and Environmental Education: 

Now, let’s dive into the fantastic world of the beach and how we can take care of it. In this part of the program, you’ll explore the beach environment and learn why protecting it is essential. We’ll talk about how everything at the beach, from the plants to the animals, is connected in a delicate balance. You’ll even participate in fun activities like cleaning up the beach and going on guided nature adventures to discover the plants and animals there. We’ll also chat about pollution and how it can harm the animals and plants in the ocean. This part of the program isn’t just about learning; it’s about feeling a deep love for the beach and understanding that we all play a role in keeping it safe and beautiful. You’ll leave this phase with a great sense of responsibility for our coastal treasures and a commitment to the values of surf lifesaving, which include respecting and protecting the environment.

8. Leadership and Teamwork: 

Now, let’s talk about something cool: leadership and teamwork. These are like the building blocks of being a great surf lifesaver. In this part of the program, we will encourage you to be leaders and work together like a team. We’ll do fun challenges and activities requiring everyone to communicate, trust, and coordinate well. You’ll even get to pretend you’re doing real rescues with your team. This will help you grow your leadership skills, like taking on responsibilities and making smart decisions, even when things get a bit intense. But guess what? These skills aren’t just for the beach; they’re for life! You’ll learn to be a leader and a team player in any situation. And remember, in surf lifesaving, we all work together like a big team to keep people safe at the beach.

9. Competition and Sport: 

This part of the program knows that having some friendly competition and getting better at sports is important. We’ll introduce you to the world of surf lifesaving sports, and it’s not just about having fun; it also makes you stronger and better in the water. You’ll get to practice fantastic events like beach flags, beach sprints, and board paddling. We’ll help you get the technique right, be super speedy, and have lots of endurance. But here’s the best part: it’s not just about winning. We’ll also talk about sportsmanship, which means playing fair and being a good sport. You’ll learn that surf lifesaving sports are about challenging yourself and being a positive part of the team and the community. This phase will make you proud of your achievements, bring out your competitive side in a good way, and turn you into a super surf lifesaver ready for anything, whether saving lives or sports!

10. Emergency Response and Scenario Training: 

Okay, now we’re getting to the really exciting part: emergency response and scenario training. This is like the core of the program, where you get to use all the cool stuff you’ve learned. We’ll set up pretend emergency situations, like water rescues and first aid needs, and you’ll jump into action just like real surf lifesavers do. We’ll do role-playing and drills to ensure you know what to do in a real emergency. Don’t worry; experienced instructors will be right there to guide you. You’ll learn to figure out what’s happening, make fast decisions, and do rescue and first aid like a pro. This hands-on training makes you even better at saving lives and makes you super reliable in beach safety. Plus, it gives you a big sense of responsibility and purpose. You’ll leave this phase feeling like a real surf lifesaver, ready to handle any emergency that comes your way!

11. Certification and Graduation: 

Now, let’s talk about the end of the program, which is a huge deal! When you’ve learned everything and shown how skilled you are, it’s time for a special assessment. If you pass this evaluation, you’ll earn surf lifesaving certifications or badges. These certifications show that you’re ready to be a responsible and skilled surf lifesaver. But that’s not all; there’s a big graduation ceremony where everyone celebrates your achievements – you, your family, your instructors, and the whole surf lifesaving community. It’s like a giant ‘congratulations’ party! This ceremony is a big moment because it marks the end of your journey from being a learner to a full-fledged lifesaver. It shows that you’re all about the important values of surf lifesaving, like being watchful, helping others, being honest, respecting everyone, and always striving to do your best. So, it’s a way to say ‘thank you’ for all your hard work and dedication to keeping beaches safe.

12. Ongoing Involvement: 

Now, let’s talk about what happens after you finish the program – it’s pretty exciting too! The program knows that being a surf lifesaver is something you can do for a long time. So, after you graduate, you’re encouraged to keep being a part of surf lifesaving. You can do different things, like helping out as a volunteer, mentoring others, or even participating in competitions. There are also chances for you to keep learning and getting even better at what you do. You might even become a leader for the younger surf lifesavers, inspiring them just like you were inspired. This part of the program teaches us that learning never really stops, and that being responsible for the safety of beachgoers is a big deal. It reminds us that surf lifesaving isn’t just a one-time thing; you can keep doing it for your whole life. And that’s how the spirit of surf lifesaving stays strong for a very long time!

13. Parent and Community Involvement: 

Let’s talk about how important families and the community are in making the program successful. The program knows that it’s not just about what happens in the sessions; it’s about everyone working together. Parents, in particular, are a big part of this. They’re encouraged to join in on program activities and events. This makes the program feel like a big team with families and the community all helping out. Parents are really important because they remind us about water safety, get us to the sessions, and cheer us on. The whole community gets involved, too. There are events, fundraisers, and campaigns to ensure everyone knows about surf lifesaving. This is a reminder that surf lifesaving is something we do together – it’s not just one person’s job. It makes us feel like we’re all in this together, protecting the beach and keeping everyone safe.

14. Program Evaluation and Feedback: 

Let’s talk about how we make the program even better. Learning never stops, and the program for surf lifesavers aged 13 to 17 always tries to get even more incredible. We do this by checking how things are going regularly. We ask participants, parents, and instructors what they think about the program. We want to hear their ideas on how to make it even more awesome. This way, we can keep up with what you need and ensure the program is safe and fun. It’s like a big team effort where everyone’s ideas count. This helps us get better and teaches all of us how important it is to look at what we’re doing and make changes when needed. That’s a great skill for surf lifesavers like you!

15. Safety and Ethics: 

Let’s talk about safety and doing the right thing in the program. For surf lifesavers aged 13 to 17, safety always comes first. It’s like the most important rule. And that goes hand in hand with being a good person. We always remind everyone that our top job is to keep the people at the beach safe and look out for each other. We’re also taught about really good values, like telling the truth, being honest, having integrity (which means doing the right thing even when no one’s looking), and respecting everyone, no matter who they are. This part of the program reminds us that being a surf lifesaver isn’t just about saving people from the water; it’s also about being a good, honest, and respectful person everywhere, on and off the beach. It’s like ensuring we’re the best lifesavers and people we can be.

16. Promotion of Lifesaving Values: 

Let’s discuss something important in the program: values that help us become incredible surf lifesavers and great people. We have five big values that guide everything we do. These are like our secret code: vigilance (which means always paying attention, especially to the beach), service (which means helping others and our community), integrity (which means being super honest and doing what’s right), respect (which means treating everyone nicely, no matter what), and excellence (which means always trying to be the best we can be). These values aren’t just fancy words; they’re like our everyday superpowers. We use them when we’re at the beach, at home, or anywhere else. Being a surf lifesaver isn’t just about saving lives; it’s also about being a good person. We show these values in everything we do, improving our communities and the world.