The West Bay Club members have access to separate changing rooms for males and females, with another changing room with wheel-chair access. If adults and children need to share the changing room facilities, they will do so at different times.
Adults should not supervise children (over the age of eight) in the changing rooms, shower rooms, and bathroom facilities, as that places them and the children at risk of harm and allegation.
Appointed helpers may stand outside the changing room doors, allowing children to call for assistance if there are bullying incidents or general behavior issues between members in the changing rooms. If the appointed helpers need to enter the room, they should alert children in advance and give children the opportunity to cover up.
Parents/Guardians must supervise their children using the changing rooms, shower rooms, and bathroom facilities during West Bay Nippers activities if they are under eight years old.
It’s good practice to:
- Ensure children are supervised by parents/guardians of the same gender while changing.
- Have more than one adult supervising, as this will provide cover in an accident or incident.
- Manage the time in the changing facilities to minimize the risks associated with any extended contact between the adults and children.
Parents must judge whether allowing their unaccompanied child (over the age of eight) to visit the Club’s facilities outside West Bay Nippers training times and activities is safe and appropriate.
Please consider the following:
- Your child’s general developmental maturity
- Your child’s awareness of the potential risks
Guidelines for Adults
- Adults must always shower and/or change privately and never in the same space and time as children.
- Adults should never stand in the changing room watching children and young people or enter and exit the room repeatedly without good reason.
- Adults should establish a clear code of behavior and ensure children understand your expectations about their behavior while unsupervised.
- Mobile phones and other electronic devices must not be used in changing rooms.
Guidelines for Children
- Children must understand the code of behavior while unsupervised.
- Children should know that adults are in earshot of what is happening in the room and will enter the changing room if necessary – in response to a disturbance or bullying, for example.
- Mobile phones and other electronic devices must not be used in changing rooms.
- Children and young people can talk to their parents and/or the Child Welfare Officer if they have concerns about the behavior of an adult or other participants. The West Bay Nippers Club will respond appropriately to all concerns, allegations, and complaints.
- If children feel uncomfortable changing or showering at the West Bay Nippers Club, we recommend they change and shower at home instead.
The West Bay Nippers Club treats everyone fairly and respects their privacy and dignity. Adequate and sensitive arrangements for changing schedules that consider all children’s needs must be made case-by-case, considering all children’s safety.