Evacuation in a Medical Emergency Action Plan:
- Includes medical and emergency services phone numbers and a beach access map.
- Designates roles and responsibilities to specific individuals, e.g., the coach, parents/guardians, spectators, and participants.
- Approximate response time for emergency vehicle
- Details of the closest hospital or local medical center, including phone numbers
- Address Details of the Venue
- Special Directions need to be conveyed to emergency response personnel.
- Designated Team Leader
- The location of any First-Aid, emergency equipment, lifeguard, or surf lifesaving patrol
- Contact details for parents, legal guardians, or next of kin
- Incident or accident report forms

Medical Emergency Action Plan
Step 1. CHECK
In any emergency, your safety is a primary concern. Use your senses to check for safety hazards and if the scene is unsafe, stay a safe space away and call the emergency services.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designated Team Leader: Graeme Charles (雷門)
- Recall all the participants back to the beach, regroup, and give clear instructions
- Water Rescue
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- First Aid for Severe Trauma (FAST)
- Assign roles and provide instructions to specific individuals
- Emergency contact details
- Incident or accident report forms
Water Safety Crew (WSC)
- Assist with the water rescue
- Recall all the participants back to the beach, regroup, and wait for instructions.
- Listen to specific instructions from the designated team leader.
- Follow the instructions.
- Give feedback to ensure you understand the task and when you have completed the task.
Step 2. CALL
- Designate Helper #1; the role in fetching the AED and small First Aid kit from the outside wall of the club and returning to the beach with it.
- Remain calm and Call Fire and Ambulance Tel: 119
- Designate Helper #2 the role of meeting the emergency services and guiding them back to the patient. Make sure Helper #2 has the remote control (and electronic card) to open the gate(s).
- Don’t end the phone call. Follow any instructions the dispatcher may give you.
Provide the following information:

1. My location is: Kaohsiung City, Xizihwan Beach
高雄市, 西子灣海水浴場 (Gāoxióng shì, Xīzǐ wān hǎishuǐ yùchǎng)
No. 70, Lianhai Road, Gushan District (Boathouse B, Xiziwan Sea Area Center)
(Gǔshān qū lián hǎilù Qīshí hào (xīzǐ wān hǎiyù zhōngxīn B tǐngkù)
2. My telephone number is ____________ and my name is __________.
We have a medical emergency. I will describe what happened: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Useful information
- The number of people needing medical services
- Whether the injured people are awake and breathing
- What help, if any, has been given so far, and by whom
- Whether the person giving care needs instructions for providing First Aid
- Bring the West Bay Nippers orange bag to the Team Leader.
- Helper #1 fetches the AED and small First Aid kit from the outside wall of the club and returns to the patient with it.
- Open the AED box and follow the instructions.
- Helper #2 meets the emergency services and guides them back to the patient. Make sure to take the remote control (and electronic card) to open the gate(s).