The West Bay Nippers Code of Conduct establishes the following:
- Acceptable and unacceptable behavior during the activities
- Standards of practice expected from all participants
- Forms the foundation for challenging and improving practice.
- Helps to safeguard staff/volunteers by encouraging them to adhere to agreed standards of practice.
- Participants should expect guidelines from those who work/volunteer with children.
- All athletes, coaches, administrators, parents, and officials must always respect and understand the safety and welfare of themselves and others.
West Bay Nippers Club reserves the right to ask any parent/guardian to leave a training session or event if they breach any part of the Code of Conduct.
1.1 Code of Conduct – Volunteers/Staff/Coaches
We, as the West Bay Nippers Club and individually as volunteers/staff/coaches, agree to
- Be open-minded, patient, and a role model.
- Consider what might have provoked the dispute.
- Be respectful of differences in opinion.
- Try to resolve conflict as soon as possible.
- Negotiate solutions before continuing with the lesson.
- Listen carefully to all views and discrepancies.
- Use appropriate language
- Seek help if the confrontation escalates
1.2 Code of Conduct – Volunteers/Staff/Coaches
- Respect the freedoms, dignity, and worth of every human being
- Treat everyone equally and never discriminate.
- Provide safe supervision of activities
- Treat all information of a personal nature as confidential.
- Take all reasonable actions to create a safe working environment.
- Ensure that all teaching is appropriate for the individual’s age, ability, and experience
- Make sure coaching is regulated and approved by the relevant associations.
- Maintain and improve our coaching, lifesaving qualifications, and professional development to ensure your child is with safe and experienced instructors, offering the best available knowledge.
- Be involved mainly with the well-being, health, and future of the individual and only then with optimizing their performance.
- Respect the participant’s rights, wishes, and feelings.
1.3 Code of Conduct – Volunteers/Staff/Coaches
- Take reasonable actions to safeguard the children from harm, prejudice, or degrading treatment.
- To complete routine safeguarding training in line with national governing authorities’ recommendations.
- Encourage and guide participants to accept accountability for their behavior and performance.
- Constantly be publicly open when working with young athletes.
- We will avoid situations where we are entirely unobserved as coaches and individual participants.
- Provide appropriate physical contact that benefits the child in an open environment
1.4 Code of Conduct – Volunteers/Staff/Coaches
- Administer a policy of “No secrets.”
- Always show high standards of behavior and appearance.
- Develop an appropriate working relationship with participants based on mutual trust and respect.
- Never exert unwarranted influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
- Ensure any suspicions and allegations of safeguarding issues will be taken seriously and answered swiftly and appropriately.
Please remember that all participants in the activity have volunteered their talents and time. We ask that you treat all members with respect and courtesy.
2.1 Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct
The West Bay Nippers Club recognizes the vital role that parents/guardians play in our sport. We know that participants function at their best when they have the backing of supportive family members. Children are involved in West Bay Nippers for enjoyment. It can be easy for parents/guardians to get caught up in the moment, which can detract from a young person’s positive experience.
We ask that you, as Parents/Guardians agree with the following:
- Encourage your child’s effort – it’s as important as the result.
- Congratulate other children’s efforts
- Be a role model and encourage fair play.
2.2 Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct
- Do not verbally abuse a child for making a mistake.
- Oversee activities and take responsibility for your child’s location at all times
- Motivate children to participate. Please do not force them to complete an activity.
- Focus on the child’s efforts, enjoyment of the training, and new skills, rather than winning or losing
- Encourage children to always take part according to the rules and to settle disputes in a non-violent manner.
- Never punish, tease or shout at a participant for making an error or losing.
- Reinforce all steps to remove verbal and physical abuse from the activities.
- Respect every young person’s rights, dignity, and worth regardless of gender, ability, cultural background, or religion.
- Please refrain from interfering with the progress and conduct of the technical advice provided by the professional coach. A few words of encouragement are acceptable.
2.3 Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct
- Use correct and appropriate language at all times.
- Share relevant details about matters affecting your child’s well-being (e.g., medical conditions, additional support needs, allergies, worries at school, family bereavement, etc.) with coaches and club administrators.
- Ensure that the West Bay Nippers Club has up-to-date contact details as required.
- Ensure that your child is on time for their lessons and is in good health to participate in the activity.
- Consistently display high standards of behavior and report poor behavior by others to an appropriate staff member.
- Behave responsibly as a spectator
- To respect the privacy of others, especially in the use of changing facilities. Click here for the West Bay Nippers Changing Room Policy.
- Ensure your child is aware of the Code of Conduct for Participants
3.1 Participants’ Code of Conduct
As a West Bay Nippers Club member, all young athletes are expected to demonstrate good behavior.
We ask that you, as participants, agree with the following:
- Arrive at all training sessions on time, ready to participate and show commitment to the sport.
- Participate within the rules of the sport, respect the decisions of coaches and officials, and demonstrate respectful behavior towards all fellow athletes and opponents.
- Always wear the appropriate apparel during training and suitable clothing for all events.
- Demonstrate positive behavior at all times.
- No swearing or inappropriate behavior in any public environment (i.e., while in the club, traveling as part of a team/squad, at team events/functions, etc.).
3.2 Participants’ Code of Conduct
- Treat fellow athletes, coaches, and staff with respect at all times. We do not tolerate degrading comments about individuals.
- Agree not to smoke, consume alcohol, or take non-prescription drugs.
- Treat all sports equipment and venues respectfully and keep them in good condition.
- Make sure bathrooms and changing rooms are tidy at the end of sessions.
- Inform your coach of any injuries or illnesses you may have before your session begins.
- Follow the instructions of coaches and staff to comply with any safety regulations.
- If you need help understanding the instructions, please ask us to explain again.
- Do not use mobile phones in changing areas.
- Demonstrate respectful behavior in all areas of your life, including social media. Remember that what you post, like, or share reflects on you as a person and as a member of the West Bay Nippers Club.
3.3 Participants’ Code of Conduct
- Participants should only enter the water if directed to do so by the coach.
- Only use equipment under the instruction and supervision of the coach.
- All participants need to pass a swim test of 25 meters in open water.
- Ensure you have Public Liability Insurance for the activity.
- Keep your personal equipment in good condition.
- Always wear a surf leash to prevent losing your softboard. For you, your board is a safety device; to others, it may be a lethal weapon.
- Have consideration for other water-based users
- Never surf alone
- Never surf immediately after eating a meal.
- Always return to the beach before nightfall.
- Never mix surfing with alcohol or drugs.
- Be considerate of other beach users, especially when carrying your board to and from the water.
3.4 Participants’ Code of Conduct
- When possible, use a lifeguard patrol beach. Follow the lifeguards’ instructions and be ready to help the lifeguards if needed.
- Where possible, surf in a recognized surfing area.
- When paddling out, avoid surfers who are riding waves.
- When taking a wave, see that you are clear of other surfers. Remember, you must not take off if someone else is already riding the wave.
- Be environmentally friendly. Always leave the beach and other areas as you wish to find them.